Saturday, June 21, 2008

What is your Part to Play?

Many people go through life wondering why they are here, what are they supposed to do with their life, or what the purpose of it all is. The sad fact is most of us never really get an acceptable answer to that question.

I just recently answered it for myself. I have memories of past lives of being everything from a King to a warrior. These memories leave many questions about my current life because in many ways I feel I am not as successful in the modern age as I was in ancient times.

However, I recently discovered that the main thing I've been doing this life time is seeking and thus that is my part to play this lifetime, the Seeker.

Whatever our part to play this lifetime is it should not be considered inferior to anything we have played before. You might have been a King in a previous life and a Janitor in this one but you are here to add that experience to your soul.

We should not judge ourselves based on what we think we did before or believe we should be able to do now. Once you figure out what part you are playing this lifetime you should embrace it as fully as possible without restraint or judgment.

The best way to tell what part you are meant to play now is to look at the patterns in your life and figure out what seems to be repeating. Chances are the repeating paterns in your life will tell you the part you are meant to play.

Perhaps you always try to take charge, thus your part might be the leader. You might want to lurk in the background or stay out of the limelight then your part might be the Hermit.

It all depends on you, no one can tell you what your part is but you. All the answers we seek we already have we just need to learn how to look inward to find them.

I welcome you to explore there you will find many course offerings that will help you in discovering your part this life time and how best to play it.

I wish you success on all your journeys and lessons.


Rev J.